Monday, September 21, 2009

Rotation 4, blog 1

Rotation 4, blog 1

“The Heart” Stephen Crane
-when read aloud, it has a certain rhythm but no definite pattern
-tone: starts out somewhat creepy  “I saw a creature, naked, bestial”
-tone changes  very weird “It is bitter – bitter,” he answered.” This quote is talking about the way his heart tastes when eaten
-may make some people feel uncomfortable
-very different because the heart is mostly thought of to be a pleasant object, and usually the heart is involved with love
-only consists of two stanzas
-good usage of punctuation
-One word that may need to be looked up: bestial
-no metaphors or similes
-the guy eating his heart says “it is bitter – bitter,” he answered/ “but I like it/ because it is bitter/ and because it is my heart.”
Somewhat ironic because when something is bitter most people don’t like it
Because it is his heart, his possession  could be why he likes it even though it’s bitter
 Maybe he is a bitter or evil person therefore he likes this
-this poem starts out with the setting “In the desert” which shows that this “creature” is rare
-not many animals live in the deserts that are common in other areas
-but the tone of the poem makes the act of eating your heart sound normal

“The Road Not Taken” Robert Frost
-has a good rhythm when read aloud
-slant rhymes: “claim, wear”
-ending rhymes: “wear, there”
-last line and second line in the second stanza rhyme: “claim, same”
-made up of four stanzas
-Pretty good usage of punctuation – all four stanzas doesn’t make up one sentence
-last two lines: “I took the one less traveled by,/ And that has made all the difference.”
-after reading these last two lines, it makes me want to do something different
-you always hear the usual things that people do after high school or the usual colleges that people go to  this makes you feel like you should branch out and something different with your life because it obviously has helped this person for the better
-lines aren’t too long
-tone: adventurous, courageous  do something out of the norm
-Good lines that gives imagery: “because it was grassy and wanted wear.”
-makes me think of a road out in the west that hasn’t been traveled on a lot and is surrounded by nature
-Each first word in all the stanzas is capitalized  some of the lines are end- stopped  “I shall be telling this with a sigh”
-It doesn’t have punctuation at the end of the line but I believe this is an end – stopped line
-another example: “I took the one less traveled by”
-this one doesn’t have punctuation at the end either

“The Mother” Gwendolyn Brooks
-after reading this poem I felt a little sad and disturbed  tone
“It is just that you never giggled or planned or cried.”
-this quote gives abortion of a horrible light/view
-makes you think of a little boy or girl running around, but this idea is crushed by the fact that the young child never got to do these things
-the last word in each stanza rhymes with the one below (couplets)
-“forget, get” “hair, air” “beat, sweet”
-lines are really long and a lot of punctuation is used
-feels more like a story somewhat  I believe this because there is a more of a sense of prose in this poem
-“I have heard in the voice of the wind the voices of my dim killed children.”
-really depressing line  makes tone really dark here
-the first line “abortions will not let you forget”  shows that the rest of the poem is about the thoughts and ideas that will always haunt you if you have an abortion
-you think you’re problems are solved by getting rid of the child, but they are still mentally present
-the last line: “Believe me, I knew you, though faintly, and I loved you, I loved you/ All.”
-because the word “all” is on a line by itself and it’s the last word of the poem  huge emphasis
-makes me feel that there’s been more than one abortion
-or it could mean that the mother loved all of the child, even though she didn’t actually get the chance to know her child
-towards the end of the poem the writer starts to talk about how it is her fault that the baby was created and that she decided to kill it, but at the same time she cannot complain and feel bad for her decision
“Believe that even in my deliberateness I was not deliberate./ Though why should I whine,/ Whine that the crime was other than mine?” This really makes you feel opposed to abortions  really biased writer
-at the same time makes you think that the pregnant mother shouldn’t complain that she has a baby because it’s her fault even if she thinks she tried to stop it from happening
-cannot blame anyone else for this incident
-Overall this poem is really good
-makes me feel more connected to my mom in a way  know how she feels about when I was a little girl and all the things she loved that she got to do with me

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